Wednesday, September 14, 2016

AWL Sentences

September 15, 2016

Title: Information security policy in small education organization

Information security policies is essential for any education environment as it is the overall guidelines for the management and are a special type of documented act as business rule for protecting information and the systems which store and process. In this article the critical elements of an information security policy for small education environment is presented and discussed. Small education environment has very special case as there are small numbers of personal to handle IT and security issue and education environment in general has special characteristics and features that distinguish them from any other enterprise or national agencies. Such organizations have features such as free organization, focuses on learning, large number of turnover (semester/year period), one semester is a major period, age of the participant in the organization, learning in group or individual, include non-academic and extracurricular services. The article looks at canon of information security policy elements should be provided as: type, writing, maintain and minimum elements should be presented in a policy for such environments. This paper will also discuss the technical, physical and administrative benefits that small organizations can have obtain by having a security policy.

Put this whole abstract to 


Sublist 1 word:

  • physical and administrative benefits that small organizations can have obtain by having a security policy
  • Small education environment has very special case as there are small numbers of personal to handle IT and security issue and education environment in general has special characteristics and features that distinguish them from any other enterprise or national agencies
  • learning in group or individual, include non-academic and extracurricular services
  • to handle IT and security issue and education
  • one semester is a major period, age of the participant in the organization
  • Information security policies is essential for any education environment
  • rule for protecting information and the systems which store and process

  • ---

    Tuesday, September 13, 2016

    Assignment #3 - September 14, 2016


    Chapter 33. Academic writing 2: structuring an argument

    Question and Answer.

    33.1 Look at A and fill the gaps in this article about collocations.
     Collocations in English (1) fall into a number into a number of different categories. In this article I should like to draw a (2) distinction between 'ordinary' collocations and those that are so fixed that they can be called idioms. Although my main focus is on 'ordinary' collocations, I shall also to some extent (3) take idioms into consideration too. I plan to (4) consider a number of questions about learning collocations in a foreign or second language. I shall attempt to answer these questions by (5) make reference to the work of the leading writers in the field. My intention is to make a strong (6) case for a more intensive focus on collocation in the language learning process. I shall also (7) touch on issues such as pronunciation.

    33.2 Look at B and C and complete these collocations. 

    1. assess the significance of a factor
    2. argue something very convincingly
    3. draw an analogy
    4. lend support to an argument
    5. put forward an argument
    6. hold firmly to a belief
    7. put attention to a new trend
    8. lay emphasis on one factor
    9. disagree profoundly with someone
    10. draw a conclusion

    33.3 Choose the correct collocation.
    1. This paper presents the case for the complete revision of the theory.
    2. Recent research explains that Jackson's theory of economic development is flawed.
    3. The author of the book adopts an unusual position on the topic.
    4. The writer of the article explains his opinion very clearly.
    5. The article concludes by briefly summarising the main points that the author wishes to put across.
    6. The writer draws some interesting parallels between life now and life in the Middle Ages.
    7. I hold firmly to my belief in the importance of basic human rights.
    8. The book raises some key questions but fails to deal with them in a satisfactory manner.



    Book Review "Rio - Learning to Fly"

    September, 14 2016
    "Rio - Learning to Fly"
    source :

    I read "Rio - Learning to Fly" form A twentieth Century Fox Film" and it was created by the creator of "Ice Age" it's famous animation movie.

    I will introducing "Blu"he is a main character from this book. He is a Spix's Macaw bird with all blue feather in his body.

    Lets start the story, when Blu was young, he really want to fly, but he was still young and his wings were not to strong to fly. Blu lived in rainforest in Rio - Brazil.

    One day, Blu was caught from humans and they put young Blu into a cage, then he transported to the place far away from rainforest in Rio by a plane.

    In a small town in the USA, Blu met Linda, a young girl and first time saw the blue macaw. Linda had a bookshop, Blu stay with Linda until he growth up and she loves Blu so much.

    One day, Tulio visited Linda bookshop. He is job to helps birds from the rainforest. He asked Linda to come to Rio with Blue, because he had female Spix's Macaw. Her name is Jewel. For the first time Linda refused to come to Rio, but she changed her mind and wants to help Spix's Macaw because there aren't many Spix's Macaws in the rainforest now.

    After they arrived, Tulio guide Linda and Blu to see Jewel. In Rio had a Carnaval. After Blu met Jewel, Blu saw a beautiful bird and talked with her, but unfortunately Jewel didn't answer.
    One night, Blu waited for Linda by the door. Suddenly, Blu and Jewel was caught by a man and he put they into a cage. The thief name is Marcel and he had a big white cockatoo, Nigel. Afterthat Marcel put a chain on Blu and Jewel leg's.

    After Marcel and Nigel went out, Blu realized there were lots of birds in the room, when Blu opened the cage, Jewel decided to escape, but Blu cannot fly then they fell down and down.

    Blu and Jewel always walked and walked. They walked to top or cliff in rainforest and met Rafael, and Blu asked to Rafael to help with the chain, he cannot help but his friend Luiz can help them.
    The problem is Blu cannot fly, then they saw a hang-glider and Rafael said you can fly using that!
    Blu was frightneed.

    Then, they fly into the top of hang-glider. After that, they arrived in Rio. Rafael friend is Luiz, he is a big dog and helped Blu and Jewel about the chain.

    Unlucky, they met Nigel again, and caught again into the cage and the plane ready to go.
    Blu quickly opened all the cages and try to open the door, but Nigel always disturbed. Jewel want to stop Nigel, but she pulled away and something happen with his wing. Jewel asked Blu to help, and Blu jumped out from the plane then fell quickly to her.
    He got her and Blu opened his wing, the He could fly because want to help Jewel.

    Marcel and Nigel go to prison because their crime. And Blu and Jewel met with Linda and Tulio again.

    The End


    Monday, September 12, 2016

    Assignment #2 - September 13, 2016

    Academic Vocabulary in Use 

    Chapter 31. Talking about ideas

    31.2. Change the words in bold from singular to plural or vice versa, as instructed. Make any other necessary changes to each sentence.

    Questions :
    1. There's an interesting PhD thesis on water resources in the library. (make plural)
    2. What were you main criteria in designing your survey? (make singular)
    3. She was interested in strange phenomena connected with comets. (make singular)
    4. The hypothesis was never proved, as the data were incomplete. (make plural)

    Answer :
    1. There's are some interesting PhD thesis on water resources in the library.
    2. What were you main criterion in designing your survey?
    3. She was interested in strange phenomenon connected with comets.
    4. The hypotheses was never proved, as the data were incomplete.

    31.3. Match the beginning of each sentence with most appropriate ending.

    Questions :
    1. We must never accept the notion on the role of the United Nations in Times of war.
    2. The task of choosing an analytical on gender and language use very clear.
    3. The book expresses his viewpoint of dark matter to explain certain observations.
    4. Tannen has always made her stance that intelligence is connected to race.
    5. Consumers have different perceptions of family healthcare which changed everything.
    6. The report laid out new model of what low price and high quality mean.
    7. Physicists developed the concept framework is an important stage in any research.
    Answer :
    1. We must never accept the notion that intelligence is connected to race.
    2. The task of choosing an analytical framework is an important stage in any research.
    3. The book expresses his viewpoint on the role of the United Nations in Times of war.
    4. Tannen has always made her stance on gender and language use very clear.
    5. Consumers have different perceptions of what low price and high quality mean.
    6. The report laid out new model of family healthcare which changed everything.
    7. Physicists developed the concept of dark matter to explain certain observations.

    31.4. Read the text and then answer the questions. Use a dictionary if necessary.

    Questions :
    Autonomy and creativity are two key concepts in the humanities which are often though to be not part of scientific thinking. However, recent projects in the sciences suggest this is not true. For example, the attempt to load the components of human consciousness into a computer is a fundamentally creative activity which has profound implications for our understanding of what a human being is. Such science may make us change our way of thinking about moral and philosophical questions and may make it possible for those in the humanities to find a new grounding for their own work 
    1. Which noun means 'independence / the right to think in one's own way'?
    2. Which noun means the opposite of 'the sciences'?
    3. Which adjective means 'felt or experienced very strongly or in an extreme way'?
    4. What are the noun forms of think and understand used this text?
    5. Which adjective in the text means 'relating to standards of good or bad behavior, what is right and wrong, etc'?
    6. Which noun in the text means the same as 'foundation/basis'?

    Answer :
    1. Autonomy and creativity 
    2. humanities
    3. profound
    4. thinking and understanding
    5. moral
    6. new grounding


    Sunday, September 11, 2016

    Assignment #1 - September 12, 2016

    Academic Vocabulary in Use 

    Chapter 30. Cause and effect

    Questions :

    30.2. Match the beginning of each sentence with the most appropriate ending.
    1. The article explores the origins major consequences for larger families.
    2. One small explosion set off a chain precedents for his decision.
    3. The confusion probably stemmed rise to a widespread sense of disillusionment.
    4. The proposed new tax could have of the concept of democracy.
    5. The disastrous events of 2003 gave reaction, causing massive damage.
    6. The judge explained that there were form lack of communication.
    Answer :
    1. The article explores the origins of the concept of democracy.
    2. One small explosion set off a chain reaction, causing massive damage.
    3. The confusion probably stemmed form lack of communication.
    4. The proposed new tax could have major consequences for larger families.
    5. The disastrous events of 2003 gave rise to a widespread sense of disillusionment.
    6. The judge explained that there were precedents for his decision.

    Questions :

    30.3. Choose the correct word in italics to complete these sentences.
    1. De Routa's work in the 1970s influenced on / to / - the development of computer science.
    2. The acid seemed to have no affect / effect whatsoever on the plastic.
    3. Everyone hoped for positive outcome upon / off / to the meeting between the two governments.
    4. The reason for / to / of the failure of the project was a lack of funding.
    5. The impact of global warming for / on / to the polar ice caps is now understood more clearly.
    6. The journalist wondered what particular ending / end the government had in mind when it decided to build a national tennis academy.

    Answer :
    1.  De Routa's work in the 1970s influenced on the development of computer science.
    2. The acid seemed to have no effect whatsoever on the plastic.
    3. Everyone hoped for positive outcome to the failure of the project was a lack of funding.
    4. The reason for the failure of the project was a lack of funding.
    5. The impact of global warming on the polar ice caps is now understood more clearly.
    6. The journalist wondered what particular end the government had in mind when it decided to build a national tennis academy.

    Some corrections from teacher, refer from the comments below:
    1. De Routa's work in the 1970s influenced the development of computer science.
    3. Everyone hoped for a positive outcome to the failure of the project was a lack of funding.

    Brief Introduction


    Firstly, I would like to thank you for giving this opportunity to introduce myself.

    My name is Harry Susanto. I am 30 years old.  I am from Indonesia.
    I was born and raised in jakarta - Indonesia and have one sister.

    I am married. and I lived in an apartment or apato with my wife and a daughter.

    My hobbies are playing game, watching movies, etc.
    I am Master 1 (M1) of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering - GSST (Graduate School of Sciene and Technology) at Kumamoto University - Japan.

    For my research work, I will choose theme of development for information and communication especially information security. It is because information is priority asset for institution/corporation. Its purposes are to protect fraud, espionage, virus, and hackers that threaten strategic information and to enhance transparency information to the public for every government institution. Information security consists of protection to confidentially, integrity and availability. Information security is obtained by implementing good control tools, such as: regulatories, practicals, procedures, organizational structures, and softwares.

    Thank you